Having less than a week until my marathon, I’ve been growing increasingly nervous. I’ve run so little and been ...
On May 31, 2010 / By ColleenFirst things first, a huge congratulations to Michael Ventrella for being the winner of the Biggest Loser tonight. Hopefully ...
On May 26, 2010 / By ColleenI know everybody’s upset with me since it’s been so long since I updated, but it’s because I haven’t ...
On May 24, 2010 / By ColleenI’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned at least once or twice how on occasion I don’t feel like running. If ...
On May 17, 2010 / By ColleenToday I had a psych test that I had to study for all day. It was dumb. And I ...
On May 13, 2010 / By ColleenEven though the training program I’m supposedly following includes lots of 8, 10, and 12 mile runs, I haven’t ...
On May 11, 2010 / By ColleenOn Tuesday I promised you all that I was going to get up Wednesday and do 20 miles. I ...
On May 8, 2010 / By ColleenTomorrow I’m planning on getting up super early to go on my 20 mile run. I plan on things ...
On May 5, 2010 / By ColleenYesterday I realized that I had exactly five weeks until my marathon. I guess that means I should actually ...
On May 3, 2010 / By ColleenI’m Colleen. I started this blog when I was 23 years old and training for my first marathon. I was single, semi-employed, generally directionless in life, and had a lot of free time on my hands. I have a lot less free time now, but I still love to come here and dump my rambling, unedited thoughts after a workout or race once in a while.