Tomorrow I’m planning on getting up super early to go on my 20 mile run. I plan on things like this a lot, but the difference is that tonight I’m writing it in my blog so I feel like I’m held accountable. Not that I feel like anyone who reads this is reliable enough to hold me accountable things. Most of you won’t even acknowledge anything I write because there’s no “like” button to click and commenting is way too hard. Also I monetized this blog like two weeks ago and not a single person has clicked on an ad. How am I supposed to feel validated and make tons of money if nobody is commenting or clicking on my ads?
My run today was awesome because it involved finally getting my car fixed. About a year ago I got my rear brakes replaced and the car guy told me I needed to get my front brakes replaced in a couple of months. He actually tried to replace them right then, but I don’t like handing over all my money at once. But recently/for the past six months, my car has also been making sounds like something in the front passenger side area is about to fall off the car. And whatever it is that makes my air conditioning cold is all run out! It actually ran out last July… never mind, I’m going to have to make a car-related blog to discuss these things, I won’t bore you with them here. The point is that I drove my car to the V-Shop (the V doesn’t stand for anything funny, but you can pretend it does), and then ran to my parent’s house to steal my mom’s car. The best part of this was that I thought it was a 3 mile run, but when I got home and google mapped it, I learned that it was a 4 mile run. Running more than I thought I ran is one of my favorite things.
Last thing: a while ago I mentioned some fundraiser mile happening at Lincoln, put on by the track team. You probably figured out that I didn’t go to that, since you all follow my every move so closely. Well I’m happy to report that I have a second chance – the MAC is putting on the MAC Mile on May 20th, and inviting all members to come and see how fast they can do a mile. This mile is free, which makes it instantly better than the other one. Assuming you care about free things more than you care about helping people. I’m going to try extra hard to make it to this one because I’m really curious to see how fast I can run a mile. I’m hopeful that I can do under 6:30. Actually, if I can’t do under 6:30 I’ll probably be really pissed, even though I’ve been doing no speedwork whatsoever and the last time I timed a mile was almost two years ago and around 6:44. I’m shooting for 6:15 anyway.
Miles run this week: 9.5
Miles run in 2010: 345.5
what is up with that title. i was so excited for gossip.
i agree with murphy/vee. also, stop being so bitter about comments. what am i doing right now?? i am validating you and “liking” you. i give you validation so much i am running out of it.
Comment and click the adsense. Damn that’s so much work.
I want to be clear – I’m not telling anybody to click the adsense, that’s not allowed. I was just complaining that nobody had.
Sometimes thinking of titles is hard, so I stole one from Perez Hilton. I think the story is that Kristen Cavallari did coke.