Not too long ago, I told you all about the Portland Terrain Mud Run coming up on June 30th. Okay, technically it’s in Sherwood, but I guess no part of Portland wants to muddy itself up as much as Sherwood does. Anyway, I just wanted to add a little update to say that some Groupon-ish site is currently doing a 50% off deal for the June 30th event. Check it out here if you want to do it! I would love to have company. I’m getting pretty excited about it, based on the pictures they keep throwing up on their Facebook page:
If you want to pay no money at all for this event, it looks like you can also volunteer for this event and get comped for a future Terrain event. You also get a t-shirt, which is basically a selling point in itself.
Let me know if you plan on running/obstacle-ing this event! I’m doing the 5 miler at 11:30 AM, so if you want to see me, make sure you choose a similar start time.
Turns out when you volunteer, you get entered in a chance to win an entry in a future event. There’s one for all the volunteers.
But you do get a shirt, a lunch, and you get to be in Sherwood by 7:15 AM. So, should be fun.
Those are all fantastic things! Being entered for a chance is way better than just getting stuff because…
Anyway, see you there!