Today is the opening ceremony of the Olympics. I figured I should talk about it a little, because of the sports theme of my blog and all. Okay, I’m done with that now, on to my usual routine of talking about me.
I hate running from my parent’s house most of the time because I’ve been doing it for so long that I’m really bored of all the running routes that I can do from there. Except for any running route that involves running towards Beaverton, because, well… Beaverton.
My dad has been doing some route that goes into Beaverton for years though. Finally after all this time that I’ve been hearing about it, I decided I would swallow my pride and run into stupid Beaverton, so I asked him about it. He showed me on a map, and it looked like a decent run. He estimated that it was about 4 miles. That sounded good, because it was one million degrees out, so I didn’t want to run too far.
I grabbed a water-bottle on my way out, because I’m a responsible adult now who doesn’t like to get dehydrated and get diarrhea on her running route anymore. It seemed like a good idea, but really it only added to the misery. After all my complaining about running in the heat, I still can’t be bothered to schedule workouts based on when it will not be super-hot, and just go whenever I feel like it. On this day (yesterday, to be precise), “whenever I feel like it” happened at 3PM. So it was super hot, and the water-bottle got heavy and made my hands super sweaty, and I wasn’t really thirsty and I still felt like I had to poop for the whole run. There was also little-to-no shade most of the way. I’ll get back on track for a minute and then see if I can remember anything else to complain about.
I made it to Jamieson Road, off of Scholls, but then I thought I was supposed to turn left right away after that, but the street I wanted wasn’t right there. So I ended up making up my own route, and didn’t really know where I was going most of the time. You probably think I’m going to turn that into a complaint, but I’m not. It was fun not knowing exactly where I was going, especially since I almost always map out my routes ahead of time or do ones I already know. As I ran back onto Beaverton-Hillsdale, I was the most hot ever, but it occurred to me to be really thankful that National Donut Day was last month, or whenever it was, and not right then. If it had been right then, there would be no way I would have wanted a donut. I don’t ever want a donut when it’s one million degrees and I’m running. Only when it’s 70 degrees and I’m running.
Today I wanted to try the run again, even though I felt super sleepy. But I always feel super sleepy when I get home from work. One of my life’s biggest struggles is to not take a nap every time I come home from work. Today I conquered, and set out for Attempt #2, this time reading the map much more closely ahead of time. Everything was better today. It wasn’t one million degrees (it was less), I had to poop but I made it to Michael’s and got to use their kind-of-gross bathroom, I didn’t carry a water-bottle, and I actually went the right way, making it to my destination of Little People Park, which had a drinking fountain anyway.
I’m completely done blogging about this run and I didn’t even think of anything else to complain about! My dad ended up being a little off with the mileage – it’s a 7 mile run, not 4, but that was good because I wanted to run more than 4 miles anyway. Here’s a picture of Little People Park that I stole from Google Maps. I was hoping that when I searched for an image of it something offensive would pop up, but mostly just a bunch of children playing with toys.
Okay, I’ll end with just one more Olympics thing, since that’s how I enticed you into reading this. Here’s how the U.S. Olympic swim team trains to the stupidest song of the summer (aside from the Pay Phone song):
Oops, I almost forgot that I actually need to end with pictures of me running the Lacamas Lake Run! They just came out today, I hope you love them!
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Running on the trail heading down to the lake |
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Coming into my 4th Place Champion finish! |
1 Comment
I love that spot on the Lacamas trail run right before we had to start going up those damn hills! Ugh